Both the evening service and youth group were on Social justice tonight...more than just coincidence in my opinion!
I love it when God makes it that clear what he is saying to us as a church, it was unplanned between church team and youth team but we all look at the same theme on the same day!!
Did you know in the bible there are over 300 verses about the poor, and God's concern for them (he makes it so crystal clear we cant ignore this!!).
As Christians we are called to have compassion on those who are the last, the least and the lost.
As Christians we shouldn't turn a blind eye to the needs all around us.
As Christians we are called to LOVE our neighbour!!
"And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God" Micha 6:8
As I sit writing this on a comfy sofa with a blanket over my feet, and a cup of tea next to me, I know that there is a homeless man sleeping rough outside our church, I know as I listen to the rain bucketing down outside that so many people here in London have no shelter, no bed, no hot drink. I feel like a hypocrite spending my evening thinking about loving those most in need, but now I feel helpless to know what to do, how to help him.
We all have an inbuilt conscience, we all know right from wrong, no matter if we call ourselves followers of Jesus or not, we can see the world around us in full of injustice, poverty, abuse, inequality, we all get too comfortable with our comfort.
"There is enough in the world for everyones need, but not enough for everyones greed"
What are we going to do about it? What am I going to do about it?...
I rediscovered this song today, Vicky Beeching, break our hearts.
I long that God would do just that. Break my heart for the things that break his, and send me out to shine in the darkness. Not just sing about it...But actually be his hands and feet, taking his love to those most in need.
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